From my understanding, Long Soldier expresses her apologies to the Native Americans. She gives us an insight into her dual citizenship. She is both an American Citizen but also a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. As I read her book, I feel she is expressing the Native Americans pain. She uses the words and history to voice out what they went through. Poetry is good to express stuff like this because of the wording. Poetry allows the person to put in their own views or opinions. The poet might be saying something and you yourself have to piece it together. 
One poem that I found interesting was "38". I found this poem interesting because she talks about the 38 Dakota men that were hung. 

Without money, store credit, or rights to hunt beyond their ten-mile tract of land, Dakota people began to starve
The Dakota people were starving
The Dakota people starved (Long Soldier 51)

In this poem, Long Soldier talks about the promise the US treaty had with the Dakota Nation. Although it promised them money, they got nothing. She believed this treaty was made to trick the Dakota Nation. She expresses why the Sioux Uprising happened. I honestly felt that they were right to have an uprising. When signing a treaty, whatever is promised is promised. They had people starving and that was not right at all.

Another poem I found interesting was "Dictation". I found this poem interesting because it is sort of like a mirror. When I think about this poem, I have a certain image in my head. I think about an actual person standing next to a mirror. I am not sure on why she put this in her book though. I get quite confused on the point of "Dictation". When I think of dictation, I think about someone taking charge. Someone who is telling people what to do and when to do it. Perhaps Long Soldier uses Dictation to express her childhood or an Indian Childhood. As a kid, she might have felt that she needed to meet certain standards. She felt as if her childhood was being dictated, hence the title "Dictation". She uses the mirror as a metaphor to look into the past and visualize what was going on back then. 


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